Case Study

Equity Building Society's Market-led Approach to Microfinance

How can market-led approaches transform an insolvent microfinance institution?

This paper talks about how Equity Building Society, a microfinance institution (MFI), changed its work approach from being product-driven to a client-responsive and market-led approach, thus making a positive impact on its qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The author attributes the following strategy changes as being responsible for Equity Building Society's success:

  • Mobilizing savings;
  • Initiating term deposits;
  • Targeting microfinance specifically as a sector;
  • Recruiting qualified and experienced personals;
  • Customizing microfinance products.

The article advocates that demand led strategies, coupled with focus approach, leads to substantial increase in financial indicators such as:

  • Profit;
  • Deposit based;
  • Loan portfolio;
  • Investment portfolio;
  • Asset base.

The paper also discusses the future targets of the organization, and concludes with the financial statement of the last financial year.

About this Publication

By Wright, G. , Mwangi, J.