Case Study

Twenty Years of Microfinance Work and Future Challenges

Proceedings from the Inter-American Development Bank's 5th International Forum on microenterprise
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This presentation addresses ACCION Internationals microfinance history over the past twenty years. It:

  • Describes the four major stages of evolution;
  • Highlights the main outcomes in each stage;
  • Identifies the most significant mistakes or shortcomings in each stage;
  • The presentation identifies the following two guiding principles of ACCION:
    • To reach a massive number of the economically active poor with credit;
    • To build sustainable local, autonomous institutions that provide credit.
  • It describes the four stages of evolution as follows:Stage one (early 1980s):
    • Development of solidarity-groups lending methodology;
    • Increased role of non-government organizations (NGOs);
    • Shortcomings: Lack of funds and skilled staff.
  • Stage two (1985-1990):
    • Creation of new NGOs;
    • Shift from donor-funded portfolios to commercial loans;
    • Links between ACCION affiliates and local capital markets;
    • Financial self-sufficiency;
    • Specialization, impact evaluation, documentation and dissemination;
    • Shortcomings: Lack of financial skills, application of standardized definitions and governance.
  • Stage three (1990-1995):
    • Achievement of massive scale;
    • Transformation of NGOs into regulated financial institutions;
    • Shortcomings:
      • Lack of a strong technical team;
      • Weak regulatory and supervisory environment.
  • Stage four (1996 onwards):
    • Support to commercial banks;
    • New products and technologies;
    • Competition;
    • Increase in scale, efficiency and financial viability.
  • The presentation concludes by listing the future challenges and highlighting the continuity of vision within ACCION and among ACCION affiliates.

About this Publication

By Otero, M.