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Showing 101 - 110 of 394 results
FinDev Blog

Meet Ivy the Innovator and Charlie the Copycat on Their Journey to Financial Inclusion

Understanding how different consumer behaviors affect adoption rates can help financial inclusion practitioners fine-tune their efforts.
FinDev Blog

Using Data and Machine Learning to Close the Gender Gap in DR Congo

Differences in product awareness show that we need to look deeper at sub-segments among women if we want to achieve equality of financial access.  
FinDev Blog

Locked out of Learning: Addressing the COVID-19 Education Crisis

Private sector investment is needed to support low-cost private schools in low and medium income countries.
FinDev Blog

Top Ten Publications of 2021

These publications received the most downloads last year. But we want to know, which were your favorites? What did you read in 2021 that influenced how you think about an issue or aspect of financial inclusion?
FinDev Guide

Top Ten Blog Posts of 2021

In 2021, over 40 FinDev community members contributed to our blog on topics ranging from financial health to mobile money to housing finance. What were your favorite blog posts from the past year?
FinDev Interview

How To Keep the Human Touch While Digitizing Agricultural Value Chains

Hedwig Siewertsen of AGRA discusses the different digital solutions for financing agricultural value chains that were shared at African Microfinance Week this year.
FinDev Blog

Shifting Perspectives: From Financial Inclusion to Financial Health of Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs)

Three years since the Global Compact on Refugees, financial health remains elusive for most refugees. New research puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against the challenges refugees face.
FinDev Blog

Financial Health and Consumer Protection: Two Frameworks Converging

What do these distinct yet overlapping frameworks have in common and how do they affect each other?
FinDev Interview

WhatsApp and Algorithms: How to Get Financing to Farmers in East Africa

The founders of Ugandan fintech Emata share how their solution is helping dairy farmers and their cooperatives access finance and manage operations.
FinDev Blog

How Long Should It Take to Build a Home?

Housing microfinance product innovations could help more families finish their homes and improve the overall customer experience.