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Showing 11 - 14 of 14 results
FinDev Blog

Are Refugees Too Risky for Financial Inclusion?

Large numbers of vulnerable communities continue to flee their home countries due to war and conflict. Settling in refugee camps, they are perceived by many financial institutions as too risky to serve. VisionFund International explores the opportunities and challenges in serving refugee communities in West Nile, Uganda.
FinDev Interview

How Did Advans Côte d'Ivoire Win the European Microfinance Award?

Albert Sie Dah, Farm Operations Manager of Advans Côte d’Ivoire, talks about how they have succeeded in serving farmers and their children with a combination of high tech and high touch.
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: With Mobile for Girls

Mobile offers significant potential to engage people at scale, connecting them to services and solutions that can improve their everyday lives. The rise of mobile banking products, such as Safaricom’s mPesa in Kenya and other digital financial services, show that overcoming specific contextual challenges and responding to the demand of low-income people at scale, requires digitally-led solutions.
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: Providing Financial Services to Refugees

Drawing on the findings from recently released market studies in Jordan and Uganda, here are the top five recommendations for financial service providers (FSPs) willing to contribute to the financial inclusion of refugees.