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FinDev Blog

WhatsApp Helps Small Businesses Get Back on Their Feet After the Pandemic

Business support organizations in Brazil and Peru share how they used this digital tool to build entrepreneur communities and capacity.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters

While there is growing evidence of a positive relationship between cash-in cash-out (CICO) network quality and gender inclusiveness, there is still an ongoing debate about whether the gender of the agent matters for business performance and for women’s financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

From Humanitarian Assistance to Economic Resilience in Yemen

CARE shares results and lessons from adapting their Village Savings & Loan Association (VSLA) model to crisis settings to help extend access to financial services to some of the most underserved communities in the world.
FinDev Blog

What 18,000 Clients Say About Their Microfinance Experience

A new Microfinance Index captures client-level outcomes across five dimensions of impact, providing us with key insights that help us understand how client outcomes vary with different types of microfinance services.
FinDev Blog

How Do Savings Contribute to Financial Health?

A meta-review leads to two mental shifts in approaches to savings research.
FinDev Blog

Four Ways to Design Agent Networks That Work for Women

Innovations around agent networks present an opportunity to significantly improve women’s experiences and help build their confidence and access to digital financial services.
FinDev Blog

In Ukraine, Credit Unions Are Key to a Sustainable Economic Recovery

But the sector is at risk due to the Russian invasion and in need of support from the international community.
FinDev Blog

Four Types of Policies to Help Build Climate Resilience

The third post of the FinDev Blog Series on Climate Change and Financial Inclusion discusses the 4 Ps of inclusive green finance, which provide a framework for policymakers to harness the potential of financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

Sharing the Risk: “Micro Equity” for Savings Groups

DreamStart Labs is re-thinking assumptions about how to design solutions for people in emerging economies, starting with a new product which aims to distribute risks more fairly.
FinDev Blog

How Can Microfinance Institutions Help Their Clients Build Climate Resilience?

In the second post of the FinDev Blog Series on Climate Change and Financial Inclusion, we look at how both financial and non-financial services will be crucial in helping MFI clients adapt to climate change.