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FinDev Blog

Blazing a Trail for Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria has identified eight Strategic Imperatives. With their respective communities of practice, they aim to close the country’s financial inclusion gender gap.
FinDev Blog

Applying a Gender Lens to Digital Remittances

Digital remittances can form a gateway to better financial health and inclusion for migrants and their families. Yet one key factor influencing remittance behavior is often overlooked: gender.
FinDev Blog

Is Fintech Always Inclusive?

An IMF working paper looks at who fintech is helping and who it is leaving behind, using cross-country and emerging fintech data to see if fintech use is associated with narrowing class, rural and gender divides.
FinDev Blog

What Findex 2021 Tells Us About Financial Inclusion in India

Digital financial services are helping drive financial inclusion, but infrastructural barriers remain.
FinDev Blog

How to Invest With a Gender Lens

While adopting gender-smart strategies is something every investor should strive for - both because it is the right thing to do and because it makes good business sense - there is no straightforward roadmap for how to do it.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion in the Wake of the Pandemic

While poor and women borrowers suffered the most, they also benefited the most from gaining access to financial services, according to a survey of Triple Jump's partners.
FinDev Blog

The Path to Financial Inclusion Must Include Saving in Small Groups

The sector needs to transition from the idea that financial inclusion means borrowing (and sometimes saving) in a financial institution and give more power to informal savings through the millions of groups that already exist.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters… for Customers

The second blog in this two-part series on agent gender looks at evidence on the effectiveness of women agents in cash-in cash-out (CICO) networks for women's financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

How Do Digital Remittances Contribute to Women’s Financial Health?

Results from a UNCDF survey make clear the need for more gender-smart and migrant-centric remittance products.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters

While there is growing evidence of a positive relationship between cash-in cash-out (CICO) network quality and gender inclusiveness, there is still an ongoing debate about whether the gender of the agent matters for business performance and for women’s financial inclusion.