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Showing 21 - 30 of 31 results
FinDev Blog

Financial Health Goes Global

This post is the first in the FinDev Blog series on financial health, introducing the concept of financial health and discussing new efforts to apply the concept in low- and middle-income countries.
FinDev Guide

Guide to Financial Health

This guide summarizes recent work on financial health that is relevant for policy and practice across the world, to help you get up to speed on the current state of the financial health movement.
FinDev Blog

Why Human-Centered Design (HCD) Doesn’t Always Work for International Development

HCD has become increasingly popular in international development, and is most widely recognized by the number of sticky notes on the wall! But not every organization or problem is suited for this method.
FinDev Blog

A Second Wave of Economic Hardship May Be Looming for MFI Clients

Survey data from 60 Decibels show that despite improving MFI performance, clients are becoming more vulnerable as the COVID-19 crisis goes on.
FinDev Blog

Finding and Serving the Savings Frontier

Easy-to-use mapping tools can help FSPs expand geographical outreach and increase usage by placing branches and agents closer to customers
FinDev Blog

Customer Engagement During COVID-19

Three principles for communicating and strengthening relationships with clients through and beyond the current crisis
FinDev Blog

Becoming Intentional About Learning

We need to prioritize organizational learning to develop and enhance financial inclusion interventions. Here are some tips for how to get started.
FinDev Blog

A New Financial Syntax for Illiterate and Low-literate People

Digital solutions that work well for literate people often fail to support inclusion among the estimated one billion adults worldwide who cannot read or write. My Oral Village is building on oral approaches to money management to broaden digital financial inclusion in Pakistan.
FinDev Blog

Social Norms Are Difficult To Change, Can Entertainment Help?

Zari is a six-year-old girl who goes to school, skateboards and learns about making healthy choices – and is the most recognized children’s television character in Afghanistan. She is featured on Sesame Garden, the nation’s version of Sesame Street. She is also changing minds around the acceptability of girls’ education in a country with some of the lowest rates of girls’ primary school attendance in the world.
FinDev Blog

Four Challenges for Shifting from MFI to SME Finance

Lessons learned at African Microfinance Week on effective tools for moving into this customer segment in Africa.