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Showing 61 - 70 of 72 results
FinDev Blog

Sowing Digital Seeds

Given the rapid expansion of digital financial services (DFS) use cases in agriculture, the burning question now is: How can women benefit from these tools at equal rates as men?
FinDev Blog

How to Bring More Women into Mobile Money

To improve the user experience of mobile money smartphone apps and help overcome barriers for women, GRID Impact uses human-centered design - creating solutions with women, not just for women.
FinDev Blog

The Challenges of Governing in a Digital World

How can boards and regulators keep up with evolving business models and technologies? Join the discussion at CFI-Accion's "Governing in a Digital World" roundtable at African Microfinance Week.
FinDev Blog

Digital Winds of Change in Rural India

How can MFIs manage the inevitable change as the world goes digital? Collaboration is one key strategy. Grameen Foundation India shares how an MFI-Fintech collaboration is transforming the lives of poor rural women.
FinDev Blog

Who Sends Money to Whom? Gendered Flows of Mobile Money in Kenya

An anthropological approach to digital finance using social network analysis
FinDev Blog

Five InsureTech Trends and What They Mean for Microinsurance

How emerging technologies will help insure emerging consumers
FinDev Blog

Adapt or Perish! MFIs in the Age of Digital Finance

Keeping pace with a fast-changing world
FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Digital Finance

FinDev Interview

Can Digital Financial Services Turbocharge Financial Inclusion?

Graham Wright talks digital finance with the Gateway, in preparation for European Microfinance Week
FinDev Blog

Bridging Gaps in Financial Services with Digital Technology

Is there a better way to expand and deepen financial inclusion? Find out at #SEEP2016.