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FinDev Blog

The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?

A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
FinDev Blog

Want to Stay in Business? Keep Your Loan Officers Happy

Loan officers are in a critical position to influence clients’ experience with an MFI. Yet they are often under intense pressure to meet targets. Here are six steps for improving working conditions for microfinance field staff.
FinDev Blog

A Is for Agriculture

The A-Card is a new business model helping smallholders in Bangladesh gain access to finance through a digitized four-way linkage between farmers, banks, MFIs and agricultural input retailers. CARE shares how it works and their lessons learned. 
FinDev Blog

Three Steps for Closing India’s Gender Gap in Digital Financial Services

Grameen Foundation India shares how they are working on the first step of improving women’s digital financial literacy.
FinDev Blog

Grappling With India’s National Biometric-Based Payments System

India’s Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) is the world’s first national biometric-based payments system. In the two years since its launch, AePS has revealed both benefits and challenges as it seeks to expand financial inclusion. Grameen Foundation India has experienced these directly as we work to scale digital financial services and financial education. How does AePS work? AePS was designed to allow individuals to conduct financial transactions across any participating bank, using just three inputs:
FinDev Blog

Three Years Later: Financial Services Spur Recovery Following Nepal’s Gorkha Earthquake

Study finds that access to formal savings and loans played a critical role in coping with disaster 
FinDev Blog

How to Bring More Women into Mobile Money

To improve the user experience of mobile money smartphone apps and help overcome barriers for women, GRID Impact uses human-centered design - creating solutions with women, not just for women.
FinDev Blog

Digital Winds of Change in Rural India

How can MFIs manage the inevitable change as the world goes digital? Collaboration is one key strategy. Grameen Foundation India shares how an MFI-Fintech collaboration is transforming the lives of poor rural women.
FinDev Interview

Enhancing Access to Education with Microfinance Loans for Low-Cost Private Schools

Roshaneh Zafar talks about Kashf Foundation's award-winning program for low-cost schools
FinDev Blog

Discovering the Promise of Social Franchising

What if the franchise was turned into a tool to solve developing world problems?