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Showing 371 - 380 of 397 results
FinDev Interview

Leveraging Big Data for Financial Inclusion: Opportunities and Risks

Interview with digital finance specialist Philippe Breul
FinDev Interview

Can Digital Financial Services Turbocharge Financial Inclusion?

Graham Wright talks digital finance with the Gateway, in preparation for European Microfinance Week
FinDev Interview

The Strategic Advantages of Empowering Women

María Cavalcanti, President and CEO of Pro Mujer, talks about gender and leadership with the Portal
FinDev Blog

What Lies Behind the Persistent Financial Inclusion Gender Gap?

Zooming in on Southern Africa to look at how women in the region access and use financial services
FinDev Blog

Bridging Gaps in Financial Services with Digital Technology

Is there a better way to expand and deepen financial inclusion? Find out at #SEEP2016.
FinDev Blog

Can Microfinance Help the Poor Following Disasters?

Recovery loans can be instrumental in helping clients rebuild. Learn more at #SEEP2016
FinDev Blog

Is Ultra Poverty Graduation Working?

Spoiler alert: The answer is yes. Find out more at the 2016 SEEP Conference.
FinDev Blog

Gateway Blogosphere Round-up: M-Pesa’s Success and Limitations

Catching up with the latest blogs and resources on the telecom-led mobile money model
FinDev Blog

Discovering the Promise of Social Franchising

What if the franchise was turned into a tool to solve developing world problems?