FinEquity Blog

Introducing FinEquity's Technical Advisory Committee

Technical Advisory Committee

FinEquity recently welcomed its inaugural Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for its first meeting on February 26, 2021. The committee is chaired by Antonique Koning, Gender Lead and Senior Financial Sector Specialist at CGAP.

TAC advisors are strong advocates for women’s financial inclusion, thought leaders, and technical experts that strengthen the voice and legitimacy of FinEquity as a community of practice. In their role as advisors, they will provide technical input and guidance to FinEquity’s Learning Themes and also shape FinEquity’s evolving regional priorities. TAC advisors will also play a critical role in endorsing knowledge products developed by FinEquity and promoting resulting good practices through their respective networks. 

The current Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) as of February 6, 2024 can be accessed here.


This blog was revised on February 6, 2024.

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