Global Editorial Team

Valdete leads FinDev Gateway, including the three regional FinDev platforms: Portail FinDev, Portal FinDev, and Arabic FinDev Gateway.

Abby is the Editor responsible for the English FinDev Gateway blog and topic pages, as well as for developing and coordinating FinDev webinars.

Gayane is the Editor responsible for curating content for the English-speaking audience of FinDev Gateway and manages FinDev's outreach partnerships.

Philippe Ruellan is CGAP’s IT focal point. He leads IT projects (Web, CRM) and oversees the design and development of CGAP’s digital assets.

Regional Editorial Team

Anouch is the Editor responsible for developing and curating content for FinDev Gateway's francophone audience.

Mariana is the Editor responsible for developing content for the Latin America and the Spanish-speaking audience of the Gateway.

Farah is the Editor responsible for developing content for the Arabic-speaking audience of FinDev Gateway.

Virginia is Editor for the Latin America and Spanish-speaking audience of the Gateway.

Sahar Tieby is a senior financial sector consultant for the Arabic FinDev Gateway.