
Towards Financing a Just Transition to Low-Carbon Economies. A New Just Transition Finance Tool for Banks and Investors

The importance of connecting climate action with positive social outcomes is increasingly recognized by investors, banks and other actors. The notion of a just transition is gaining traction but concrete efforts are still at a nascent stage. The ILO and the LSE Grantham Institute will host at COP27 event to launch a new just transition tool on banking and investment and discuss how financial institutions can move beyond commitments and take practical steps for a just and ambitious climate transition. The event will address the following questions:

  • What is the role of financial institutions in supporting a just transition?
  • What can be leveraged from existing sustainable finance frameworks and instruments and where are the gaps?
  • How can a just transition logic be integrated in financial institutions’ organisation and operations?
  • Reflections on actionable entry points will be complemented by experiences and learnings from financial sector practitioners and leading experts.