
Refugee Finance in Times of Uncertainty: Mitigating Risks and Identifying Opportunities

In this two-part series, the webinar will discuss current issues regarding access to finance in countries neighboring Ukraine from a number of key perspectives, including those of refugees, financial institutions, donor organizations, and regulators. The first webinar will cover: 

  • Immediate financial needs of refugees.
  • Importance of adjusting regulatory frameworks.
  • Required support by development financial institutions for refugees' financial inclusion.
  • Role of financial service providers in giving both financial and non-financial services.  

The session will be led by Business and Finance Consulting GbmH (BFC), which has over 18 years of experience promoting and facilitating financial sector development in emerging markets. Both sessions are free to attend and registrations are open. The topics covered are best suited for MFIs, DFIs, donor organizations, and regulators operating in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 

This webinar series is hosted by Triple Jump and Microfinance Centre in close partnership with Business & Finance Consulting GmbH.

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