
Midi de la Microfinance: Supporting Young Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries

Nearly one in three people in the world is a young person and almost 90 percent of them live in low- and middle-income countries. Moreover, facing the prospect of unemployment, poverty, and vulnerable forms of employment, this young and dynamic segment of the population tends to look abroad for better opportunities.  

Join ADA for the next Midi de la microfinance to learn how financial inclusion can strengthen the contribution of young entrepreneurs (aged between 15 and 34) to the economy of the Global South.

Gerhard Coetzee, Lead Customer Value, CGAP


  • Jean-Philippe Donge, Head of Fixed Income chez BLI, Banque de Luxembourg Investments
  • Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxembourg
  • Dr. Hannig, Executive Director, Alliance for Financial Inclusion
  • Patrick Losch, ADA Chairman

About this event
