
Microfinance in the COVID-19 Crisis: A Framework for Regulatory Responses

Microfinance reaches hundreds of millions of poor people as well as many micro and small enterprises, mostly in the informal sector. Microfinance clients and providers have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Providers face operational and liquidity challenges, with viability and solvency challenges looming on the horizon. This presentation provides a framework for regulatory responses that can help providers in this crisis.

Opening Remarks

  • Alfonso Garcia Mora, FCI Global Director.
  • Greta Bull, CGAP CEO.


  • Steve Rasmussen, Lead Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
  • Stefan Staschen, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP


  • Martin Holtmann, Manager, Financial Institutions Group, IFC

Information for joining the call:

  • Meeting number: 477 242 750
  • Meeting password: rjM2R6teBZ4

Join using phone:

  • Toll: 1-650-479-3207
  • Access code: 477 242 750

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External Webinar