
Microfinance & Climate Change

In this webinar, the Foundation Grameen Credit Agricole will share with participants a study it conducted among its partners on climate change. Most of its partners are Tier 2 and 3 MFIs, with a high proportion based in Africa and having a strong presence in rural areas. To fine-tune the analysis, the Foundation collected information by segregating their partners based on their Green Index scores.

The results of the study showed, for example, that 47 percent of their partners believe that they have a specific role to play in the fight against climate change, as 61 percent can see a real demand from their clients regarding the subject. The Foundation will also present the actions it has taken based on the results of the study to develop its own strategy linked to environmental issues.  ​​


  • Philippe Guichandut, Foundation Grameen Credit Agricole​
  • Moderator: Davide Forcella, Head of GICSF AG, YAPU Solutions, CERMi

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