
Member Spotlight With Sofihdes: The Experience of One of the Leaders in Continuing Education in Haiti

For over 10 years, SOFIHDES through its division SOFICONSEILS, has built a strong reputation for excellence in the field of professional capacity building training in Haiti. It was one of the first organizations to introduce on the Haitian market, in collaboration with IFC, the training of trainers to standardize its training delivery while considering the diversity that exists among learners during a training workshop. This approach has been very successful among Haitian professionals. Today, it dares to launch again the first online professional training platform in Haiti. The trends of the training market, the COVID-19 and the socio-political reality in Haiti make this approach mandatory. 

In this Member Spotlight session, you will learn what the challenges and opportunities are for Haitian companies and organizations, the partnerships to date, the lessons learned and the key factors for success in implementing an online training platform. SOFICONSEILS will also reveal the partnerships they wish to develop for the upcoming launch of the program. 

We will also hear from the Development Bank of Nigeria and their MSME Capacity Building Journey and experience in implementing a blended format of face-to-face and online training.

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Online Learning