
International Day of Family Remittances - Ghana, Kenya & The Gambia

This year on 16 June, the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR) observance events will see the engagement of key private and public sector stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya and The Gambia. 

Each event is aimed at highlighting the crucial role of migrants’ contribution to the wellbeing of their families back home. It is also an opportunity to engage the main actors of the remittance ecosystem in working together to spur digital and financial inclusion towards greater recovery and resilience.

Register for the Accra, Ghana event >>

Register for the Nairobi, Kenya event >>

Register for the Banjul, The Gambia event >>

Please note that your registration will be confirmed 48 hours after form submission.

Learn more about the IDFR events taking place on 21 June in South Africa.

About this event

Accra, Ghana, Nairobi, Kenya & Banjul, The Gambia