
"The First Wealth Is Health": An e-MFP Webinar on Inclusive Finance and Health Care

The European Microfinance Award 2021, is on "Inclusive Finance and Health Care" – a complex, fascinating and challenging topic that has never been more relevant than today. "The first wealth is health," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, meaning that without health, there can be no wealth – no security or prosperity.

How true that is. For the poor, health is often the dividing line between the path to prosperity or a slide into destitution. Volatile and precarious incomes, combined with poor or non-existent universal health care systems means that low-income communities not only need access to health care, but also the ability to pay for it.

The European Microfinance Platform is delighted to welcome you to join this webinar that will present the current health care landscape, including the needs of low-income households and the costs they must bear to access health care, the role of different financial products such as insurance as well as crucial non-financial support, the particular health care needs of women, and the roles that financial services providers can play to address this enormous challenge.


  • Moderator: Bobbi Gray, Research Director at Grameen Foundation
  • Lisa Morgan, Technical Officer at ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility
  • Peter Wrede, Senior Consultant
  • Barbara Magnoni, President of EA Consultants
  • Shams Azad, Chief Operating Officer at BRAC Microfinance

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External Webinar