
Digital Financial Inclusion: Regulation, Emerging Business Models and Challenges

This conference will deliberate on the tools of digital finance, the successful business models and policies for encouraging their growth. It will brainstorm on risks and challenges of new types of services and the legal and regulatory frameworks needed for confronting them. It will also discuss country experiences including India in promoting the expansion of digital financial services and the obstacles along the way.

Shri T. Rabi Sankar, the Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India will be giving the inaugural address at this conference. In addition, ten eminent industry experts from the World Bank, RBI, banks, fintech companies, agri-tech and so on are going to speak at this conference.
There are two-panel discussions on the topics:

  1. "Emerging Business Models of Digital Financial Inclusion (DFI): Industry Experiences"
  2. "Evolving DFI Ecosystem and Regulatory Policies".

The event will be beneficial for bankers, policy makers, academicians, and people working in the development and financial sector. 

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