FinEquity Webinar

#FinEquity2021 Annual Meeting



In recent years, advancing gender equality and women’s economic empowerment has been high on the agenda for financial inclusion stakeholders. Given the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, strong gender-diverse teams within the financial services sector are needed more than ever to drive innovative solutions that ensure women are not left further behind. 

Our #FinEquity2021  Annual Meeting of the global FinEquity community convened by CGAP showcased proven solutions and ongoing efforts related to increasing the gender balance in the financial services industry, conducting gender  analysis, and designing for  women’s inclusion – taking both a global and a regional lens. 

A hearty thank you  to all who joined us for this year’s meeting. We enjoyed a packed few days of productive, inspiring conversations and walked away with deeper insights, proven solutions  and many new connections with global members of the women’s financial inclusion community. 




If you weren't able to join #FinEquity2021 Annual Meeting, you can take part on your own time. Recordings of both the global and regional sessions are available  here  to stream.  




Member Shares  

You can watch all  pre-recorded Member Shares via links in the table below. 

My Oral Village 

Pro Mujer

World Bank 

UN World Food Programme


CGAP and FinEquity 

Grameen Foundation 

Women's World Banking

World Council of Credit Unions 

Opportunity International 



A beautiful way to visualize key takeaways from each session. You can download all six illustrations here. Please feel free to share on social media and tag us!  




Nandini Harihareswara | UNCDF 

"Being a gender focal point/lead can be a lonely journey. We may have a long path to walk but at least if we know we are walking together, our steps can be a little lighter and the walk a little easier."
Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula | Graça Machel Trust

"When all is said and done, the bottom line is a better life for all. It is only when women are empowered that we will have a better world."
Antonique Koning | CGAP

"One key takeaway from the #FinEquity2021 discussions is to involve men when engaging all actors in financial systems and to address gender norms to build more equitable financial systems that facilitate women’s social, economic and digital inclusion."


A special word of thanks to our outstanding regional co-hosts. Without their contributions, we would not have been able to achieve such meaningful and productive regional sessions.  

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Another big thank you to our powerhouse speakers this year. See a detailed roster here.  

Explore the FinEquity 2021 agenda here.

About this event

COP Webinar