
Chat for Impact in the Time of COVID

The upcoming Chat for Impact in the time of COVID webinar will offer an opportunity to explore the learnings and opportunities of chatbot solutions since the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic in March.

This important conversation will spotlight the role of Chat as an easy way for people to access credible and accurate information on the rapidly changing measures against the pandemic and its impact on people’s social and financial lives, and for governments and organizations to provide it through a direct channel. The presenters will will share their journey and experiences developing the global WHO’s Health Alert, the Con-Héctor virtual assistant in Colombia, the ContactNDOH line and HealthCheck in South Africa, the Noora Health messaging service in India and the Chatbot Hora Cero in Nicaragua.


  • Andy Patison, WHO
  • Rodrigo de Reyes, Fundación Capital
  • Shahed Alam, Noora Health
  • Debbie Rogers, Praekelt.org
  • Hansel Quintero, Hora Cero

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External Webinar