
Catalyzing an Ecosystem: Digital Finance for Climate Resilience

Join BFA Global for a discussion on how digital finance can enable climate resilience solutions to better reach vulnerable populations.

BFA Global believes digital finance and fintech can be a critical enabler in overcoming challenges in access and affordability of climate resilience solutions for low income and vulnerable populations globally -- for example, by embedding pay-as-you-go technology to reduce the upfront cost burden for assets, or by reducing the cost and complexity for providers to access and serve low income populations. However, few climate resilience solutions, products, and services that leverage digital finance technologies exist in the market today, the root cause of which is an underdeveloped and fragmented innovation ecosystem.

BFA Global is leading the process to develop a Framework for Action to catalyze this innovation ecosystem: a collaboratively-built set of paradigm-defining knowledge products to catalyze the development of the innovation ecosystem for digital finance for climate resilience, as well as a roadmap for specific actions for key ecosystem stakeholders. This work will be launched at COP26, along with commitments to act in accordance with the roadmap from key players in the ecosystem.

Alongside some of BFA Global's close contributors and collaborators on this journey, this panel will discuss the process in building this framework, and how these close contributors see this work as essential for improving climate resilience for many vulnerable populations globally.

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