
Cash Strapped? A Learning Discussion on Market-Based Programming in Liquidity Crises

In the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the country is facing a liquidity crisis that threatens the entire economy and directly impacts aid programs, including those based on markets (Norwegian Refugee CouncilBBC). Liquidity challenges for markets in crisis are not new (see Syria, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Libya, Ukraine, etc.). Understanding liquidity trends over time and adapting programs requires agile and contextual problem-solving. Yet, local solutions can run into compliance and regulation blockages for many aid programs.

The Markets in Crises Community of Practice (MiC) and the Global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) Cash and Market Working Group are co-hosting a real-time learning discussion to showcase case studies and encourage problem solving around this complex issue. With insights from the Afghanistan, Syria and Zimbabwe contexts on ways to address liquidity challenges as well as donor perspectives, the presenters aim to reflect, learn and find solutions together. Join the conversation to hear about what works and what doesn’t when cash is in short supply – and share your own experiences too!

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