
Building Integrated Wealth and Risk Management Solutions: Experience of Dvara KGFS, India

Dvara KGFS came into existence as a financial institution with a goal to cater to all the basic financial needs of rural customers of India. Dvara KGFS aspired to be a one-stop solution for customers' wealth creation and risk management requirements by providing a combination of credit, savings, investments or insurance solutions. After setting up a line of credit products--group, individual and mortgaged-backed loans, Dvara KGFS planned to add savings and investment products to its portfolio. It aimed to bring about a fundamental change in the mindset of its customers; which was to move from relying on credit to fulfill their financial goal to relying on savings and creating a financial plan to achieve those goals.

Dvara KGFS developed a data-driven algorithm that would recommend customized product packages to each customer based on their specific financial goal. Dvara KGFS also added investment and insurance products to their portfolio and piloted them through an integrated investment offering named Dvara Sampoorna Sampath Plan. The new product package was piloted in October 2019 and later rolled out in a phased manner across most of its branches reaching more than 5,000 customers to date.

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