Displaying 151 - 160 of 185

Child Savings Account: A Primer

What are Child Savings Accounts (CSAs) and how do you provide and promote them?
Case Study

Providing Microfinance and Social Space to Empower Adolescent Girls: An Evaluation of BRAC's ELA Centres

Examining the usefulness of combining financial and social interventions for adolescent girls

Child Savings Account: Global Trends in Design and Practice

Can children’s savings accounts become an innovative developmental tool?

Reducing Adolescent Girls' Vulnerability to HIV Infection: Examining Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihood Approaches

Microfinance's role in reducing girls' vulnerability to HIV infection in developing countries
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Youth Entrepreneurship Program Manual

Highlighting the importance of youth entrepreneurship programs

Youth and Children Inclusiveness in Microfinance & Livelihood Approach

Proceedings from the Microfinance Summit, February 14-16, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

Economic Strengthening for Vulnerable Children: Principles of Program Design & Technical Recommendations for Effective Field Interventions

Laying down programing beliefs and economic strengthening tools for developmental initiatives

Economic Strengthening for Vulnerable Children: Principles of Program Design & Technical Recommendations for Effective Field Interventions (Brief)

Overview of programming beliefs and economic strengthening tools for developmental initiatives

Impact of Microfinance Programs on Children: An Annotated Survey of Indicators

Tracking changes in child well-being brought about by microfinance programs