Displaying 91 - 100 of 499

High-Saving Youth in Smallholder Households: An Untapped Market

How can financial services providers develop solutions to meet the needs of high-saving youth?
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: Learning About Savings

Five key questions we have (partially) answered so far at the Savings Learning Lab


An Empirical Risk Assessment of Savings Groups

What are the main risks Savings Group members face and how can they be managed?

State of Practice: Savings Groups and the Dynamics of Inclusion

Identifying effective strategies to improve outcomes for vulnerable populations in Savings Groups

A Changing Landscape: What the 2017 Findex Tells Us About Mobile Money, Women’s Financial Inclusion and Savings in Vulnerable Households

Collection of four articles and a summary of key takeaways on the state of financial inclusion

Applying a Market Systems Approach to Savings Groups

Analysis of the weaknesses of the current Savings Group system and a proposal for improvement
FinDev Interview

Are Savings Groups for Vulnerable Populations a Good Idea?

The Gateway sat down with Sybil Chidiac of Grameen Foundation to discuss what works and what doesn't when tailoring savings groups to serve vulnerable populations. 


Where Next After VSLA?

The value of linking Village Savings and Loans Associations with financial service providers

Savings Count: Trends in Access, Use and the Ecosystem of Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa

Making the case for putting savings at the heart of the financial inclusion agenda

Breakthroughs in Women’s Empowerment: Decision-making Power of Women in Microfinance and Financial Self-help Groups in Jharkhand and West Bengal

Key findings from Health Diaries conducted with 45 women in two states in India