Displaying 371 - 380 of 498

A Matching of Two Promises: Microfinance And Social Responsibility

Socially responsible savings and microfinance

Grameen II: Member Savings

What is the new approach to savings deposit?

Deposit Collectors

Why do depositors opt for a deposit collection service?

Towards Safety and Self-reliance: Community Finance and Public Trust in Rural Cambodia

Presenting good practices that meet the savings and trust needs of poor rural households

Segmenting the Markets for Savings among the Poor Across Countries

How different groups of poor people are saving in Africa?
Case Study

Safesave (B): Providing Financial Services to Slum Dwellers

Helping poor people save with minimum risk

CGAP-MicroSave Virtual Savings Exchange Report

Summary of the 'Virtual Savings Exchange' conference talks on challenges mobilizing small deposits
Case Study

Safesave (A): Providing Financial Services to Slum Dwellers

Providing savings and credit to slum inhabitants