Displaying 261 - 270 of 498

The Savings Led Revolution: Mass-scale, Group Managed Microfinance for the Rural Poor

Leveraging savings-led microfinance to improve access to finance
Case Study

Empowering Rwanda Youth through Savings-led Microfinance

Introducing savings-led microfinance methodology to orphans and vulnerable children

Access to Finance: Ideas and Evidence- The Economics of Saving

Assessing options for designing and implementing consumer protection rules

Youth Savings Accounts: A Financial Service Perspective - A Literature and Program Review

Role of youth savings account as a financial service

Emerging Market Finance: The Role of Multinational Banks and Microfinance

Defining the drivers of financial development

Access to Micro-Savings for Remote Rural India

Using innovative savings products to cater to rural markets

Report on Savings Mobilization by Microfinance Institutions in Sri Lanka

Reviewing legal position of deposit taking practices of MFIs