Displaying 211 - 220 of 500

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance

Analyzing the connection between corporate governance and access to finance

Deposit Assessment in India

Broadening and deepening the outreach of formal financial systems

The Cost of Convenience? Transaction Costs, Bargaining Power, and Savings Account Use in Kenya

What effects does reducing bank account transaction costs have on account holders?

Gateway Financial Innovations for Savings - Focus Note 1

Deepening savings inclusion through financial innovations
Case Study

Liquidity and Savings in the Age of M-PESA

Providing savings through Jipange KuSave's mobile money services in Kenya

Microsavings – Pathway to Financial Opportunities for Women

Empowering women through village savings and loan associations in Africa
Case Study

Change Leadership: A Microsavings Case Study

Guiding MFIs through institutional change

Microfinance in East Africa: Schemes for Women in the Coffee Sector

Overview of savings and credit landscape for women

Is There a Business Case for Small Savers? (Brief)

Rethinking the business case for small savers