Displaying 181 - 190 of 500

Mass Retail Banking: How Savings Banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America Can Provide Usable Services to the Poor

How can savings banks achieve take-up of their products and services by poor people?

Increasing Impact with Savings-linked Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs)

How do linking Conditional Cash Transfers to savings accounts help the cause of financial inclusion?

The Global Findex Database: New Data on Saving, Borrowing, and Managing Risk

Presenting data analysis to understand how people across the world use financial services

Using Credit to Grow Savings: Results from a Mobile Pilot in Kenya

Can financial services be sold with minimum human contact?

Weather Insured Savings Accounts

Assessing famers' response to a mixed financial product

Kenya's Mobile Revolution and the Promise of Mobile Savings

Examining the evolution of mobile savings in Kenya
Case Study

Transforming Microfinance in Kenya: the Experience of Faulu Kenya and Kenya Women Finance Trust

Examining the transformation of MFIs into deposit-taking organizations in Kenya

Does Poor People's Access To Formal Banking Services Raise Their Incomes?

Examining the impact of financial inclusion on poverty alleviation

Savings in Microinsurance: Lessons from India

Evaluating savings-linked insurance products in India

What Do Youth Savers Want? Results from Market Research in Four Countries

Learning about what youth want in savings accounts