Displaying 81 - 90 of 931

IFAD to Support Rebuilding Bangladesh's Microenterprises

The International Fund for Agricultural Development will provide Bangladesh with a loan of $ 18.07 million to rebuild microenterprises as well as to support smallholders affected adversely by the COVID-19 pandemic.


EFSE and Agroprosperis Bank Strengthen Partnership to Provide Financing in Local Currency for Ukrainian Farmers

Through the investment, the partners aim to facilitate farmers’ ability to access much-needed financing to sustain their businesses using local currency.


Case Brief: MIDAGRI

This Case Brief on the Peruvian Ministry for the Development of Agriculture and Irrigation covers the growth of the agriculture insurance program introduced by the ministry.


COVID-19, Government Transfer Payments, and Investment Decisions in Farming Business: Evidence from Northern India

Assessing the impact of public transfer programs on farmers dealing with the COVID shock


CGAP Smallholder Household Data: Analysis and Insights from the National Surveys and Financial Diaries

Insights for FSPs to develop products that help customers manage risks in their day-to-day lives


AFD Loans $356M to IFAD to Assist Rural Farmers

AFD loans $356M to IFAD to assist rural farmers in developing sustainable agriculture, accessing microfinance, fighting hunger, responding to climate change, enduring COVID-19 pandemic.


Impact of Microfinance on Farm Income of Small and Marginal Farmers in Western Tamil Nadu

This paper attempts to study the impact of microfinance on income of members and non-members of self-help groups on selected women in the study area.

Slide Deck

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Farmers- Kenya Report (Round 3)

Results from quantitative survey and qualitative interviews with farmers across Kenya


Managing Agricultural Risk Through Remittances: The Case of Senegal

A survey of 600 households studying agricultural risk management behaviors in households benefitting from remittances


Agricultural Finance and the Youth: Prospects for Financial Inclusion in Kenya

Comprehensive assessment of the state of financial inclusion of the rural youth