Displaying 481 - 490 of 931

Harnessing M-Banking Potential by Banks in Rural India: Learning From International Experiences

Using mobile banks to extend financial access
Case Study

The Shea Value Chain Reinforcement Initiative in Ghana: Case Study

Empowering women through microfinance and technology

Using Mobile Money, Mobile Banking to Enhance Agriculture in Africa

Using mobile money for agricultural development

Agricultural Credit by Commercial Banks in India: Need for Creating Enabling Environment

Examining the role of rural credit policy in alleviating rural poverty
Case Study

Validation Report: Rural Finance Project (Mongolia)

Reviewing efforts to improve financial access

How Savings-led Microfinance has Improved Chickpea Marketing in the Lake Zone of Tanzania

Helping small farmers through savings-led microfinance

Harnessing Rural Banking Potential in India: Expanding Scope & Scale of Innovative Concepts & Programs

Developing appropriate policies and programs to accelerate rural growth

Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Dynamic Incentives in Rural Credit Markets

Helping lenders identify defaulters through fingerprinting

Aspects of Rural Households' Debt in India: Strategic Actions to Minimize Incidence of Informal Debt

Minimizing rural indebtedness and poverty