Displaying 91 - 100 of 389

Risk Management for MFIs – II

Reducing risk in MFI operations

Microfinance - A Risky Business: A Time for Strong Leadership

Evaluating the potential of strong governance in mitigating microfinance risk

The Global Findex Database: New Data on Saving, Borrowing, and Managing Risk

Presenting data analysis to understand how people across the world use financial services

New Credit-Risk Models for the Unbanked

Using new sources of data to develop effective credit-scoring strategies

Responding to a Crisis at FUNDESER

Ensuring client protection through high ethical standards and sound risk management

Kenya Credit Information Sharing Initiative – A Progress Report 2008-2011: Challenges and Opportunities

Evaluating the credit information sharing initiative in Kenya

Microfinance and Risk Management for Poor in India

Improving farm efficiency through microfinancing

Rethinking Financial Innovation: Reducing Negative Outcomes while Retaining the Benefits

How can the financial services industry manage the negative outcomes of innovation?

Risk Preferences and Demand for Insurance Under Price Uncertainty: An Experimental Approach for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d'Ivoire

Analyzing the relationship between farmers' demand for insurance and their risk aversion