Displaying 51 - 60 of 389

Big Data, Small Credit: The Digital Revolution and Its Impact on Emerging Market Consumers

An assessment of how data technology is altering microfinance

Microfinance Control Fraud: Poverty and Profiteering in Latin America

Investigating vulnerabilities to fraud in microfinance

Arab Credit Reporting Guide

Analyzing the status and development of credit reporting across the MENA region

Risk Management Graduation Model for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)

Best practice framework for risk management in the microfinance sector
Case Study

Guarantee Funds: A Response to Agricultural Credit Risk – The Latin American Guarantee Fund

Assessing the performance of FOGAL, a Latin American guarantee fund

Debt, Borrowing and Over-indebtedness: a Country-Level Monitoring Framework

Proposal for a "Debt Watch" to review national policies, actions and gaps

Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Banks

Providing recommendations for the supervision of Islamic banks
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia

Risks to Microfinance in Pakistan: Findings from a Risk Assessment Survey - 2014

Identifying and ranking risks faced by the microfinance sector in Pakistan