Displaying 361 - 370 of 389

Stabilising Community Health Financing Through Re-insurance

Can reinsurance stabilize the financial operation of micro-insurance units?

Preparation of a Business Plan and Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Credit Bureau in Jordan: Final Report

Studying compatible factors for the establishment of a successful Credit Bureau in Jordan

A Risk Management Framework for Microfinance Institutions

How does a risk management feedback loop work?

Moving Towards Risk-based Supervision in Developing Economies

How can risk based supervision can assist in identifying potential risks ahead of time?

Risk Mitigation as a Cost-Effective Microfinance Strategy

What are the impacts of client credit histories?

Microfinance, Risk Management and Poverty

A full, comparative analysis of microfinance outreach and client coping strategies

Safety Nets and Safety Ropes: Comparing the Dynamic Benefit Incidence of Two Indonesia "JPS" Programs

Who are "safety net" programmes really aimed at?

The Prediction and Diagnosis of Bank Failures in Zambia

Which is the most flexible approach to diagnosing and predicting bank failures in Zambia?
Guide / Toolkit

Improving Internal Control: A Practical Guide for Microfinance Institutions

How can MFIs integrate internal control and risk management into their savings and loans systems?