Displaying 341 - 350 of 390

Risk Behaviour and Group Formation in Microcredit Groups in Eritrea

Does risk homogeneity influence microcredit group formation?

Scoring: The Next Breakthrough in Microcredit?

Can self-employed poor repay their debts as promised?

Income Risk, Coping Strategies and Safety Nets

What does loan data tell us about strategies for improving MFI performance?

Private Initiative in Regulating Financial Discipline

Can a credit bureau assist all financial institutions?

Can Financial Markets be Tapped to Help Poor People Cope with Weather Risks?

Financial innovations for the rural poor to counter systemic risks

Private Equity and Capitalisation of SMMEs in South Africa: Quo Vadis?

How to reduce the risks faced by small, micro and medium enterprises face in South Africa?
Case Study

KfW's Comprehensive Approach to Financial Sector Strengthening: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Is financial sector development possible in an unstable, high risk environment?

Credit Guarantee Schemes: Conceptual Frame

Credit guarantee schemes: for or against?

Credit Guarantees, Moral Hazard, and The Optimality of Public Reserves

Helping planners specify behavior off the equilibrium path