Displaying 331 - 340 of 390

Statistical Sampling to Measure Portfolio-At-Risk in Microfinance

How to achieve greater accuracy in measuring the proportion of portfolio at risk?

Collateral Substitutes in Microfnance

Is enforcement the main problem in credit provision?

Is Microinsurance a Priority for the Poor? Understanding the Demand for Risk-managing Financial Services

Factors influencing the demand of risk managing financial services

Fact Sheet 5: Risk Management and the Credit Risk Grading System (English version)

This fact sheet in a series of eight gives an introduction to microfinance in a Palestinian context

Credit Reporting and Financing Constraints

How important are credit registries in addressing financing constraints?
Case Study

Case Study of Farmers' Commercial Bank

Prospering in tough conditions: Farmers' Commercial Bank of Sudan

Risk Behaviour and Group Formation in Microcredit Groups in Eritrea

Does risk homogeneity influence microcredit group formation?