Displaying 281 - 290 of 389

Finance and Guarantees in Rural Development

Cooperatives and the essential triangle of production

Micro-Insurance: A Safety Net in Risky Waters

Demand assessment of microinsurance products in Sri Lanka

Micro-Credit, Risk Coping and the Incidence of Rural-to-Urban Migration

The effect of migration and microfinance on the economy of a household

Five Strategies to Minimize Foreign Exchange Risk for Microfinance Institutions

How can MFIs manage currency fluctuation risk while tapping foreign funds for microfinance?

Process Mapping in Practice

A look at the advantages of process mapping

Currency Risk in Microfinance

How does currency risk affect microfinance institutions and investors?
Case Study

Weather-based Insurance in Southern Africa: The Case of Malawi

Weather risk management techniques on food security in Malawi as a framework for Southern Africa

Using Microinsurance and Financial Education to Protect and Accumulate Assets

Low-income people coping with the lose of assets and the possibility of microinsurance as a solution

Information Bureau for Microfinance in India

What difference can a microfinance information bureau make?