Displaying 261 - 270 of 390

Credit Scoring, Banks and Microfinance: Balancing High-Tech with High-Touch

Can the process of "scoring" loans help micro-enterprises generate profit?
Case Study

Health Microinsurance: A Comparison of Four Publicly-run Schemes - Latin America

How have public microfinance schemes performed in the Latin America?

An Experimental Analysis of Group Size and Risk Sharing

Examining impact of group size on risk sharing
Case Study

VimoSEWA, India

Is the VimoSEWA model likely to positively impact development?

Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Developments and Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can agricultural insurance get a foothold in the developing countries?

Shifting Technical Assistance Needs for Commercial MFIs: A Focus on Risk Management Tools

How can microfinance institutions cope with the new risks that come their way?

Credit Information Systems in Less-Developed Countries: Recent History and a Test

Improving credit market performance and transparency

Collateral and Risk Sharing in Group Lending: Evidence from an Urban Microcredit Program

Analyzing the role of collaterals in urban microcredit programs

Bridging the Finance Gap: ACCION's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions

ACCION Guarantee Funds: Attracting commercial capital to microfinance

Credit Scoring for Leasing: How Leasing Models Differ from Bank Lending Models

How can the process of scoring be simplified for micro-lenders?