Displaying 51 - 60 of 74

Refugees and Their Money: The Business Case for Providing Financial Services to Refugees

Assessing demand, supply and regulatory considerations for refugees in Rwanda

Microfinance for Syrian Refugees: The Lebanese and Jordanian Market

Addressing the information gap for the financial services needs of refugees

Remittances and Financial Inclusion: A Demand-Side Analysis of Low-Income Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Understanding demand, use, and preferences of current and potential remittance customers

Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons - Priorities for G20 Action

By acknowledging financial inclusion of forcibly displaced persons (FDPs) as a priority development issue, the G20 can help promote enabling policy and regulatory environments that provide fair, safe and sustainable access to the financial services FDPs and their host communities urgently require.

Case Study

Humanitarian Payment Digitisation: Focus on Uganda’s Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement

Leveraging mobile money bulk payment offerings to deliver humanitarian cash transfers

The Financial Journey of Refugees: Evidence from Greece, Jordan, and Turkey

What do money and financial transactions tell us about migrant journeys?
FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Financial Inclusion for Refugees and Humanitarian Crises

A list of key publications from the last year to help guide practitioners