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FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion for Refugees and Migrants in Latin America

Five lessons from the IFC and UNHCR joint initiative that are key in advancing financial inclusion for refugees and migrants.


Migrant Financial Resilience: Where Are We in Preparing the Building Blocks?

This paper details the existing ecosystem of providing social protection services, including contributory insurance and pensions for the migrant communities.


Scaling the Next Frontiers in Migrant Money: The Case for Insurance and Pensions

This paper details the demand levels, the ecosystem and the institutional factors that need to be explored to realize the potential of insurance and pensions, contributing to financial resilience of migrants worldwide.


Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan

This report looks back at what has been achieved in the financial inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan since 2015, when the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) first launched its initiative to enhance national financial inclusion.


Catalyzing Financial Inclusion: Gender-Inclusive Fintech Solutions for Migrants

This report digs into the financial inclusion obstacles disenfranchised migrant populations face in three Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and South and Southeast Asia.


Banorte Joins UN Campaign for Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Mexico

Banorte is the biggest financial institution in the country to offer a digital banking account under the UN program.


MFC Joins Forces With UNHCR to Enhance Refugees' Financial Inclusion

The joint project will contribute to the improvement of refugees' financial inclusion in Europe, in particular access to microfinance and business development services.

FinDev Blog

Shifting Perspectives: From Financial Inclusion to Financial Health of Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs)

Three years since the Global Compact on Refugees, financial health remains elusive for most refugees. New research puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against the challenges refugees face.


Finance in Displacement: Joint Lessons Report

This study brings to light the challenges forcibly displaced persons face in accessing economic opportunities and puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against these challenges.