Displaying 871 - 880 of 894

Saving Across the World: Puzzles and Policies

Examines divergent trends in people's savings habits around the world

Microfinance in Indonesia: An Assessment of Microfinance Institutions Banking with the Poor

What are the implications of group technologies?
Case Study

Credit in Rural India: A Case Study

Low educational investments and inactive land markets contribute to problematic credit arrangements

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Ghana

What is the impact of privatisation on financial accessibility?

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Yemen

Why should the Goverment of Yemen explore microfinance as a possible vehicle for socio-economic development?

Microfinance in the Philippines: Assessment of Viability, Sustainability and Outreach Among Grameen Replicators

Are Grameen replicators successful in the Philippines?

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: China

What are the future dimensions of microfinance as a tool of Chinese development?

Microfinance in Rural Lao PDR: A National Profile

A comprehensive survey of lending, borrowing, savings and the linked institutional activity

Credit Union Policies and Performance in Latin America

Measuring linkages between credit union policies and performance with a blended approach

The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow

Has the performance of credit unions improved with donor assistance?