Displaying 781 - 790 of 894

Microbanking Development, Regulation and Supervision

Who are the beneficiaries and for what purpose should microbanking be developed?
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Jordan

What contributes to economies of scale in microfinance institutions?

Sustainable Livelihoods Project, Angola - Microfinance for Urban Poverty Reduction

How successful has the Sustainable Livelihoods Project been in Luanda?

Microcredit in the Caribbean Experiences & Best Practices (Executive Summary)

Assessing the microfinance environment to identify best practices

Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?

Do foreign banks ignore small businesses?

Information Asymmetry and Trust: A Framework for Studying Microfinance in India

The role of 'trust' in the delivery of financial services
Case Study

Microfinance in Post Communist Countries: The Case of Poland

Exploring development of microfinance in transition countries

Group-based Financial Institutions for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh: An Institutional- and Household-Level Analysis

Do NGOs target their services in underdeveloped regions or do they locate in better endowed areas?