Displaying 701 - 710 of 894

Microfinance In the Arab States : Building Inclusive Financial Sectors

How has the microfinance industry grown in Arab States?

Microfinance in Africa: Experience and Lessons from Selected African Countries

Presentating the development of the microfinance sector in Africa

The Scaling-Up of Microfinance in Bangladesh: Determinants, Impact, and Lessons

How can the Bangladeshi experience be of value to other countries?

Micro Finance and Credit Information Sharing: Emerging Trends & Key Issues

Moving towards integration of microcredit information sharing

Overview of the Microfinance Industry in the ECA Region in 2003

Which institutional model of microfinance is most productive and profitable?

The Darkside of Microfinance

Is the current practice of microfinance appropriate?

Microfinance Institutions in India

How to ensure a sustainable supply of micro financial services?
Case Study

Making Sense of the Commercialization of Microfinance in Latin America: Lessons for Nicaragua

What could Nicaragua learn from the experience of its peers?

2002 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

What factors are driving the performance of MFIs in the region?

Microfinance and the Poor in Central Asia - Challenges and Opportunities

Presenting the current status of the microfinance system in Central Asia