Displaying 661 - 670 of 894

MIX 2005 Bosnia Herzegovina Case Study


Social Rating Overview of MFIs

The integration of social aspect into the financial and managerial operations of MFIs

The Microfinance Sector in Central African Republic

How does UNDP intend to promote microfinance in the Central African Republic?

Market Development in Challenging Environments - American Refugee Committee's Experience

Designing livelihood interventions with a market driven approach

Enterprise Size, Financing Patterns and Credit Constraints in Brazil: Analysis of Data from the Investment Climate Assessment Survey

Does size affect the ability of a firm to access external capital for growth?

Indonesia Microfinance Country Profile

Microfinance in Indonesia: An example of successful commercial microfinance

Report of CGAP Multi-Donor Mission: Microfinance in Yemen

Is Yemen adequately geared up for an expansion in microfinance?

Facts on Microfinance and Decent Work

Is microfinance an effective route for the ILO to reach its goals?
Case Study

Khan Bank, The Agricultural Bank of Mongolia

How did the Khan Bank become profitable?