Displaying 541 - 550 of 894

Benchmarking Mexican Microfinance: Performance and Transparency in a Growing Industry

Comparing performance of Mexican MFIs with their peers in Latin America

A Note on Microfinance in Ghana

Highlighting the importance of microfinance in Ghana

Indonesian Microfinance at the Crossroads: Caught between Popular and Populist Policies

How can Indonesian microfinance get out of the trap of unsupportive policies?

International NGOs and Poverty Reduction Strategies: The Contribution of an Asset-Based Approach

Examining poverty alleviation strategies of international NGOs

The Dynamics of Microfinance Expansion in Lahore

The promising as well as risk enhancing dynamics of MFIs and their clients'’ behaviour

Microfinance in the India: The Changing Face of Microcredit Schemes

What is the most suitable model of microfinance for India?

The Provision of Banking Services in Latin America: Obstacles and Recommendations

Recommendations to help low-income people access banking services in Latin America

Microfinance Market Survey in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Do Palestinian microentrepreneurs express a need for microfinance?

Getting to Scale in Housing Microfinance: A Study of ACCION Partners in Latin America

Key success factors as well as challenges and barriers for reaching scale in housing microfinance