Displaying 1 - 10 of 27
Case Study

Building MIS Capacity for Social Performance Reporting

Case study on how a Philippine MFI brought social and financial performance reporting into balance

TQM and Performance Linkage in the Microfinance Institutions: The Mediating Role of IT Capability

The use of Total Quality Management strategies to improve performance
Guide / Toolkit

Information Systems: A Practical Guide to Implementing Microfinance Information Systems

Helping MFIs overcome challenges in implementing MIS

Investing in Mifos: A Framework for Forecasting Return on Investment

How do MFIs estimate the benefits of using Mifos?
Case Study

Adoption of Mifos at Al Majmoua

Examining benefits of technology implementation

Internal Audit and IT-Based MIS System

Defining the role of IT-based MIS systems for MFIs

Is SaaS the Appropriate Technology for Microfinance?

Discussing challenges of technology adoption for MFIs

Microfinance: Leveraging ICTs

Empowering marginalized communities

Microfinance Core MIS Systems - The Business Case for Outsourcing

Outsourcing solutions for building MIS and IT capacity in MFIs