Displaying 311 - 320 of 602

Family Income, Saving and Potential Demand for Microinsurance Policy in the Greater Jakarta Area

Examining reasons for the gap between the supply and demand of microinsurance in Indonesia
Case Study

The Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa

Meeting risk management needs of low-income households

Microinsurance as a Tool to Reduce Vulnerability Due to Costs of Ill-Health

Reviewing challenges in financing healthcare expenditures

Status of Microinsurance in Southeast Asia: The Cases of Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam

Protecting the poor from risks through microinsurance

Can Micro Health Insurance Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Bangladesh

Analyzing impact of adding microhealth insurance to microcredit

Microinsurance Product Design: Consumer Preferences in Kenya

Examining preferences for microinsurance products in rural Kenya

Microinsurance: Risk Protection for 4 Billion People

Opportunities and challenges for global microinsurance

New Channels to Get Insurance to the Poor

Making microinsurance work through effective distribution